Mauro Stemberger

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- Mauro Stemberger
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- Guest Artists
Guest Artist
Mauro Stemberger
Mauro Stemberger was born in 1978 in Feltre, Italy and works as an architect and Bonsai artist. At the age of 14, he became fascinated about the art of Bonsai and started his passion with the local Bonsai club Feltre. In the period 1994-2001 he had the chance to join workshops from well-known bonsai artists like Hotsumi Terakawa, Marc Noelanders, Horst Crekler, Edoardo Rossi and Salvatore Liporace. In 2002, during a meeting in Arco, he had the chance to meet Alfiero Suardi and Enrico Savini. Thanks to them he could improve his bonsai techniques and in the meanwhile studying architecture at the IUAV university in Venice. In 2005 he founded the Italian Bonsai Dream, a workshop place with a group of enthusiasts to work with and enjoy the Bonsai art for the fully 100 percent. In 2006 he graduated as an architect and started working in his own town. Since 2008 he's a recognized BCI (Bonsai Club International) Bonsai Instructor and previous President of the UBI (Italian Bonsai Association).
Frequently Featured in Bonsai Focus Magazine, the world famous Italian bonsai artist made his first visit to Milwaukee in 2015. It was a great meeting with record breaking attendance that still hold in 2021. He had worked with the Mahone Middle-school Bonsai Club in Kenosha earler and several of the students were able to get transportation to the meeting to present him with a commemorative shirt.
More recently Mauro is involved with The Developing Coniferous Bonsai course with other notable European teachers (Walter Pall, Jan Culek and Harry Harrington.) The course concist of 23 lectures with over 10 hours of video. Check the newsletters as MBS has had discounts available for this courrse and others at