General Meeting
April 5 9:00AM
Pinching in Generaland Mugo Pine Work
at Boerner Botanical Garden
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Click on an image to see it full size. For more pictures see the Recent Activities Section below"

The Latest
April 5, 2025
General Meeting 9:00 AM
Focus: Pinching in General The focus this month is pinching with Steve C. In Ryan Neils article he says
“The pinching process is where we can begin to create fine ramification throughout the entire canopy of the tree.” A Jonus Dupuich article on pinching maples has a set of great pictures
Main: Mugo Pine Work We will be splitting up into 6 tables. A team of members will be helping 6 teams determine front and initial style for these trees.
When the meeting or work is completed (whichever comes first) we will be auctioning these 6 trees. They will be cared for by the owner and brought back in the
October so we can revisit then. For an excellent article from a Mugo Pine expert see Vance Wood’s article Ubiquitous Mugho Pine in the May 2003 MBS Newsletter
Every one is welcome!
April 5, 2025
Yamadori Dig 12:30 PM
Following up on last month collecting Focus. Bryan takes us on an urban dig for Burning Busch. An article on Burning Bush can be found on page 6 in our
November 2007 Newsletter
Bryan also reminds us to “be prepared at home with pots and wooden boxes and soil to plant your trees inA great way for new bonsai enthusiest to jump into bonsai.
See the newsletter for details.
April 26, 2025
Open Workshop - Spring Cleanup 9:00 AM
Open workshops are an opportunity to get togeather with other enthusiest to work on your tree.
To participate register and bring your tree, wire if needed, scissors and something to work in to help keep the area clean.
Learn more at the Apr 5 Meeting or contact Valerie S.
Skills 101 Class schedule set
- Skills 101 Classes 2025 with Steve Carini and Brian Susler
- 03/29/2025 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
- 04/12/2025 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
- 06/28/2025 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
- 08/16/2025 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
- 09/06/2025 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
- 11/15/2025 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Register at: Skilss 101 Class 2025
Silhouette Exhibit Volunteer Silhouette Show
Milwaukee Bonsai is supported by volunteers who donate their time to advance our art form. If you are eager to share your time and talent with us, please let us know.
Latest Newsletters
Special features:
A Study in Elm by Ben H
Join or Renew Today
We are very lucky to have many distinguish bonsai enthusiast in our club. We have just a wealth of knowledge available at meetings,
workshops, and just generally available to us. Jack Douthitt, Steve Carini, Ron Fortmann, Pam Woythal are just a few names of the
members with a boatload of experience. We also have a new generation of bonsai enthusiast like Brian Susler, Keven Stoeveken and Scott D.
We are looking forward to increasing our Club membership this year. What this means is that you are more likely to mingle with bonsai enthusiast,
to make new friends, and to enjoy the glorious activities we have planned. So don’t delay…. Renew today.
Join 2025 On-Line
Looking for MBS merchandise?
Check out our Cafe Press site for t-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, stickers, and more.