When do we meet?
The Milwaukee Bonsai Society, Inc. (MBS) usually meets the monthly. Dates are currently set for the first Saturday of the month due to the pandemic closing Boerner in the evenings. Meetings are fun, informative, and a great way to learn more about this fascinating art. Check one of the links below to get the latest schedule.
MBS Bonsai Meetings and Demonstrations
Our opportunity to pass on what we learned about Bonsai.
We have many guest artists and members that will teach you all they know about bonsai. Members put on demonstrations on a wide variety of topics from how to choose a tree, design a tree, watering, replanting, pruning, treating bugs and diseases, to winter care and how to show your tree. We have had programs that talk about display tables, accent plants, viewing stones, moss and other display items. For a complete list of the upcoming meetings, check out the MBS Schedule or The Latest.
Guest artist and Master demonstrations are typically the highlight of the schedule. Many artist have transformed raw material into pre-bonsai stock. These bonsai experts sometimes called "master" come from around the country and world to help us understand techniques and showcase their design and horticulture talents. See Guest Artists for a list of artist that have recently helped MBS.

Where do we meet?
Boerner Botanical Gardens
9400 Boerner Drive
Hales Corners, Wisconsin